September 2024 Volunteer Spotlight: Mr. Volunteer – Richard Shank

by Mary McCurry

Richard Shank… the epitome of the definition of a “volunteer” – a person who does something, especially for other people or an organization, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it. That describes Richard to a “T”.

Richard Shank making opening remarks at Boots and Bling 2024 – Summer Breeze. Photo by Sara McMillian Photography

If every organization or Board had members like Richard dedicating their time and talents, there would be no worries about achieving their mission or purpose. This “Ambassador” for the Kansas State Fair and member of the Board of Directors for the Kansas Fairgrounds Foundation assumes his responsibilities with a smile, humor, grace and a dedication unparalleled.

He, in fact, challenges himself to push beyond goals achieved the year before ….and is the ultimate cheerleader when working with others to do the same. Success is simply guaranteed with Richard at the helm!

Known to about everyone he meets, Richard embodies the spirit of “volunteering” because he wants things better. He dedicates the time to achieve the goals he sets. For the ten years Richard has dedicated himself to the KS Fairgrounds Foundation, he has assumed many roles, but most noteworthy are the Boots & Bling “Silent Auction” and the “Merchandise Store” at the Kansas State Fair. Both take an enormous amount of time and energy to be successful, but as Chair of the Board for the past 3 years, I can attest to the fact there is NEVER a worry that it won’t be done right in every manner because Richard is at the helm.

It’s an honor and privilege to work with Richard and to call him a friend!

Sign up to volunteer like Richard today!

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