Today, Patti and I wrote a $250 check to support the T.A.G. (Together Achieving Greatness) program at the Kansas State Fair.

Specifically, this donation is to support the rebuild/enhancement of the Fountain House, also known as the Merchandise Store, located to the north of the House of Capper and Capper Cooperative Park. To the west of the tiny structure is the Lair-Steckline Interactive Water Fountain. Prior to the enhancement of the fairgrounds in the early 2000s, a restaurant occupied the site for more than 40 years.
The current Fountain House is inadequate, with cramped quarters, and in need of extensive repair to accommodate the volunteers who operate the store. It could be called an “eyesore” as compared to the attractions that are located nearby.

A fairgoer from last year jokingly compared the tiny venue to an old-fashioned hamburger joint, without the aroma.
Volunteers oversee the store for the 10-day State Fair by selling shirts, caps, and other memorabilia. Demand for these products increases each year, necessitating additional space to display and store the merchandise.
Also, many fairgoers stop with questions regarding eating establishments on the grounds. Others stop to visit about their State Fair memories.

If 500 State fair supporters would be willing to make a nominal contribution of $250, we could raise $125,000 this year, which would allow the Foundation to begin work on an overdue project.
Please make your check to the Kansas Fairgrounds Foundation and mail to PO Box 1861, Hutchinson, Kansas 67504-1861.
Most importantly, I want to say “thank you” for your past support. Together, we will make another improvement to the Kansas State Fairgrounds that will serve fairgoers for generations to come.
To paraphrase the old expression, T.A.G.—You’re it.
-Richard Shank